TREE-SEARCH(x, k) if x == NIL or k == x.key return x if x < x.key return TREE-SEARCH(x.left, k) else return TREE-SEARCH(x.right, k)
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ITERATIVE-TREE-SEARCH(x, k) while x != NIL or k != x.key if k < x.key x = x.left else x = x.right return x
minimum and maximum
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TREE-MINIMUM(x) while x != NIL AND x.left != NIL x = x.left return x
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TREE-MAXIMUM(x) while x != NIL AND x.right != NIL x = x.right return x
successor and predecessor
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TREE-SUCCESSOR(x) // if this node has a right subtree, just return the minimum in the right subtree if x!= NIL AND x.right != NIL return TREE_MINIMUM(x) // if this node doesn't have a right subtree, go up and find the first parent that's the left child of its parent y = x.parent while y != NIL AND y.right = x x = y y = y.plarent return y
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TREE-PREDECESSOR(x) // if this node has a left subtree, just return the maximum in the left subtree if x!= NIL AND x.left != NIL return TREE_MINIMUM(x) // if this node doesn't have a left subtree, go up and find the first parent that's the right child of its parent y = x.parent while y != NIL AND y.left = x x = y y = y.plarent return y
The key point is to find the NIL location, keep the parent, and then append it to the parent
loop invariant: p is always the parent of x
maintain p is the parent of x
termination: x is NIL
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TREE-INSERT(T, z) p = NIL x = T.root while x != NIL p = x.parent if z.key > x.key x = x.right else x = x.left if p = NIL T.root = z // Tree is empty elseif z.key > p.key p.right = z else p.left = z